Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 4 - Tuesday

Walked about Green Market Square. There are a lot of interesting people and shops, including stands everywhere selling stuff. Very similar to some areas of Manhattan. Had lunch at an Irish pub. So far, all of the food here tastes different, even though a lot of the names are the same. Spent some more time looking for things we needed and settling in. Takes a while to figure out where to find basic necessities.

The students started their internships today, and we all met for a welcome dinner at Africa Cafe. This is a very cool restaurant. We had a large table in our own room for the group. The menu is the same for everyone, and food is delivered item by item and passed around the table to share. African food and every dish was new to us. Tabi and our vegetarian student were both adventurous enough to try the ostrich dish. My taste buds are far more timid. The staff played music and painted everyone's face. Lots of fun. Great restaurant. Had wine and after dinner shooters which both seem to be popular here. Students all talked about their internships, they are having a lot of fun. Tabi went out with the students after, and the boy and I crashed. Still not acclimated to the time zone, and haven't managed a full meal yet!

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