Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 1 - Saturday

Long, long flight to South Africa. Stopped in London. Lost a bit of money on a poorly executed and undereducated dollar-pound-euro conversion. Lesson learned. Don't exchange dollars for euros in London, and then purchase items for pounds with your euros. Double whammy. Lose twice. Got it ;)

Flight was delayed out of London. As rumor has it, luggage was on the plane belonging to a passenger who didn't show up for the flight. Watched as 2 crates were removed from the plane, and returned later. Assuming the offending luggage was removed.

Flying low into Cape Town, could actually see the whales in the ocean ... lots of them. As well as an odd circle of agitated water in the middle of the sea. Might be an elevated rock formation forming a wave. Spurted out water and churned. Looked like a geyser under the sea. If anyone knows what this is, please share! Have to remember to have the camera ready for the flight home.

Met up with 4 students prior to customs. One was retained very briefly as they asked for confirmation of her itinerary. After little discourse, she was let through without it.

Our group driver brought us to our respective "homes". Spent the day settling in with a lot of support, driving around for supplies, and an orientation meeting with our host Connect123. Blue Dot delivered my rental car right on time. My flat at Adderley Terraces is awesome. Love it. Followed Steven, our Connect123 host, to students' lodging and followed him back to mall/grocery near my flat. Driving on the left side of the road, with the driver's seat on the right side of the car. Replace left and right with wrong and wrong and you get the idea. Add to that the grocery was IN the mall; would have never discovered that on my own. Then, my first experience driving without Steven. Successful. My flat is at the top of an office building downtown. Directions include circling about one way streets to get to the garage entrance, then enter the garage, and turn left 38 TIMES! Yes, 38 times to get to my parking spot.

Went out to explore a bit, and there is some kind of military parade outside. Cautiously snapped some shots. Photos that is. Then slept until my jet-lagged son woke me up at 3 am.

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