Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 13 - Thursday

Sick all day. Think my interesting food adventures have caught up to me. Laid about complaining most of the day, then took a long nap. Went for dinner at Asoka where they asked us to leave. No kids allowed. Had tripped walking downhill on the way and now have badly bruised knee. Had nice dinner at pizza place, then nearly wrecked the car. Was trying to negotiate a quick u-turn on a busy road, and didn't quite make it. Then, when I went to put the car in reverse to re-align, I moved it to second instead and nearly slammed into a parked car. It was close. Surprising how difficult it is to shift left handed without really thinking about it. Happy to get home safe!

1 comment:

  1. don't blame it on food, Lukky! anyhoo, try a shot of jaggermeister....that always helped me.....I think.
